Tutorial: Writing Language Processors with Camlp5

In this tutorial, we’ll start with the simplest program that uses Camlp5 features, and progressively move to more and more complicated programs, until we arrive at a parser/pretty-printer for Google Protocol Buffers IDL.

For users who only wish to use Camlp5 packages (and packages built on Camlp5), it suffices to work thru the “streams-original” and “streams” examples: after that, all the examples are really for users who wish to actually write programs with grammars, extensible printers, and other Camlp5 features.

Camlp5’s syntax-extensions were meant to work with revised syntax, but typically they work just as well with original syntax. To demonstrate that, the most-complicated example (using lexer, grammar, and printer syntax-extensions) is available in both revised and original syntax (though only the revised-syntax version is described herein). A quick diff of the two versions will show that the differences are entirely superficial.

Here is a list of all the calculator examples with their locations. In each case, you’ll find a buildable tree (with Makefile), and simple tests.

  1. Stream parser (original syntax): tutorials/streams-original
  2. Stream parser (revised syntax): tutorials/streams
  3. Extensible grammars (built-in Camlp5 lexer): tutorials/calc
  4. AST, Extensible grammars, extensible printers, evaluator (ocamllex lexer): tutorials/calc+ocamllex
  5. Extensible grammars (functorial interface) and ocamllex lexer: tutorials/calc+functorial
  6. like #4, but with pa_lexer-implementation of a lexer: tutorials/calc+pa_lexer
  7. a translation of #6 into original syntax.

Stream parsers in original syntax: the simplest program using Camlp5 features

The code for this example is in tutorials/streams-original.

A very simple program that uses Camlp5 features is one that uses Stream parsers . In this example you’ll find a parser for integer expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). It is written using the “original syntax stream parsers” syntax: the code is in tutorials/streams-original/streams.ml, and the critical bit, the parser is as follows:

1. First a left-associative parser-combinator:

let pleft f sep =
let rec paux v1 = parser
  [< op = sep ; v2 = f ; rv = paux (op v1 v2) >] -> rv
| [< >] -> v1
in parser
  [< v = f ; rv = paux v >] -> rv

2. Then parser combinators for the operators:

let additives = parser
  [< 'Kwd"+" >] -> (fun x y -> x + y)
| [< 'Kwd"-" >] -> (fun x y -> x - y)

let multiplicatives = parser
  [< 'Kwd"*" >] -> (fun x y -> x * y)
| [< 'Kwd"/" >] -> (fun x y -> x / y)
  1. And finally, the main parser, which is written in typical operator-precedence style:
let rec expr strm = expr1 strm
and expr1 = parser
  [< rv = pleft expr2 additives >] -> rv

and expr2 = parser
  [< rv = pleft expr3 multiplicatives >] -> rv

and expr3 = parser
  [< 'Int n >] -> n
| [< 'Kwd"(" ; e = expr1 ; 'Kwd")" >] -> e

The documentation section Stream parsers explains the syntax and semantics of stream parsers. To compile this file, we invoke:

ocamlfind ocamlc -package camlp5,fmt -linkpkg \
    -syntax camlp5o streams.ml -o streams

The camlp5 package has built-in support for stream-parsers.

To run this example:

./streams '1+1' '1 - 1' '1 + (2*6)'

Loading and testing in the toplevel

To load and test this example in the toplevel:

$ ocaml
     OCaml version 4.10.0

#use "topfind.camlp5";;
#camlp5o ;;
#require "fmt";;
#use "streams.ml";;

val lexer : char Stream.t -> Genlex.token Stream.t = <fun>
val list_of_stream : 'a Stream.t -> 'a list = <fun>
val pleft :
  ('a Stream.t -> 'b) -> ('a Stream.t -> 'b -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'b =
val additives : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
val multiplicatives : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
val expr : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int = <fun>
val expr1 : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int = <fun>
val expr2 : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int = <fun>
val expr3 : Genlex.token Stream.t -> int = <fun>
- : unit = ()

And to calculate:

# {| 1 + 1 |} |> Stream.of_string |> lexer |> expr ;;
  • : int = 2


Stream parsers in revised syntax: the simplest program using Camlp5 features

The code for this example is in tutorials/streams.

Since the rest of the tutorial will be written in The revised syntax , we have transliterated (it’s not very hard) from original to revised syntax. Most of the changes are straightforward: I’ll include only the left-associative parser combinator here:

value pleft f sep =
let rec paux v1 = parser [
  [: op = sep ; v2 = f ; rv = paux (op v1 v2) :] -> rv
| [: :] -> v1
in parser [
  [: v = f ; rv = paux v :] -> rv

To compile this file:

ocamlfind ocamlc -package camlp5,fmt -linkpkg -syntax camlp5r \
    streams.ml -o streams

Note that the only change in the compile line is to replace -syntax camlp5o with -syntax camlp5r. Of course, there are changes in streams.ml from original to revised syntax.

This example runs precisely as the previous one.

A Calculator using Extensible Grammars

The code for this example is in tutorials/calc.

Next, we can replace the stream-parser (and Genlex lexer) with a grammar written using Camlp5’s extensible-grammar support, and Camlp5’s built-in lexer. You can find thie example in tutorials/calc/calc.ml. The grammar is very compact:

value g = Grammar.gcreate (Plexer.gmake ());
value e = Grammar.Entry.create g "expression";

    [ [ x = e; "+"; y = e -> x + y
      | x = e; "-"; y = e -> x - y ]
    | [ x = e; "*"; y = e -> x * y
      | x = e; "/"; y = e -> x / y ]
    | [ x = INT -> int_of_string x
      | "("; x = e; ")" -> x ] ]

The syntax and semanatics of extensible grammars are explained in Extensible grammars . The compactness of the code comes from two things:

  1. implicit and explicit support for associativity (left-associativity is the default)
  2. explicit support for precedence via “levels” in the grammar-rules.

To compile this example:

ocamlfind ocamlc -package camlp5,fmt,camlp5.extend -linkpkg \
    -syntax camlp5r calc.ml -o calc

and the only difference is that we have to add the Camlp5 package camlp5.extend which provides extensible-grammar syntax support (for the new syntax we used above, that is most definitely not normal Ocaml!)

A Calculator using Extensible Grammars & Printers (Ocamllex-based Lexer)

The code for this example is found in tutorials/calc+ocamllex.

The previous example used the built-in Camlp5 lexer, which supports Ocaml-style comments. That is, in the text which is parsed by the calculator, ocanl-style comments would be treated as comments and ignored. In this example, we’ll use an ocamllex-generated lexer, which handles C++-ctyle comments instead. To refresh, C++-style comments are thus:

int x = 1 ; // any text to end of line

and we’ll augment the language we parse with variables and assignment-statements, in addition to expressions. We’ll also add a real parse-tree and evaluator. And finally, when pretty-printing, let’s print out comments that appear immediately before statements.

Because this example will be pretty involved, we’ll go thru it step-by-step, explaining each block of code and what it does, with pointers to the relevant bits of documentation.

The Lexer

The lexer is a standard ocamllex lexer. We define regular expressions:

let ws = [' ' '\t' '\r' '\n']+
let decimal_digit = ['0'-'9']
let decimal = decimal_digit+
let comment = "//" [^ '\n']* '\n'
let ident = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_' '0'-'9']*

and a tokenizer that accumulates comments (notice they’re C++-style) before a token:

rule _token comments = parse
| comment { _token (comments^(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) lexbuf }
| ws     { _token (comments^(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) lexbuf }
| "(" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("","(") }
| ")" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("",")") }
| "+" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("","+") }
| "-" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("","-") }
| "*" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("","*") }
| "/" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("","/") }
| ":=" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("",":=") }
| ";" { locate ~comments lexbuf ("",";") }
| decimal as dec { locate ~comments lexbuf ("INT",dec) }
| ident as id { locate ~comments lexbuf ("IDENT",id) }
| eof { locate ~comments lexbuf ("EOI","") }

At end-of-input, we return the special token ("EOI",""), so that the grammar can explicitly require that parsing consume all the input. Notice the way we’re wrapping each return with a locate function-call. This function takes the current lexbuf and comments/whitespace so far accumulated before the token, and builds a Camlp5 location (Ploc.t) to return along with the token:

let locate ~comments lb v =
  let loc = Ploc.make_unlined (Lexing.lexeme_start lb, Lexing.lexeme_end lb) in
  let loc = Ploc.with_comment loc comments in
 (v, loc)

Also, as you can see a token (for Camlp5’s grammar engine) is always a pair of its class (a string) and the text of the token.

To make an ocamllex lexer available to Camlp5’s grammar-interpreter, there is a little bit of special sauce:

value lexer = Plexing.lexer_func_of_ocamllex_located Calclexer.token ;
value lexer = {Plexing.tok_func = lexer;
 Plexing.tok_using _ = (); Plexing.tok_removing _ = ();
 Plexing.tok_match = Plexing.default_match;
 Plexing.tok_text = Plexing.lexer_text;
 Plexing.tok_comm = None} ;


The AST is straightforward. There are expressions with unary and binary operators, integer constants, and variable-names. There are statements of two kinds: expression-statements and assignment-statements. We will see later an “environment” mapping identifiers to integers, to support these variables and assignments. Notice that most AST nodes also have a Ploc.t. In a real language-processor, this would allow to print locations in error-messages (as we’ll do in the evaluator).

type binop = [ ADD | SUB | DIV | MUL ] ;
type unop = [ PLUS | MINUS ] ;
type expr = [
  BINOP of Ploc.t and binop and expr and expr
| UNOP of Ploc.t and unop and expr
| INT of Ploc.t and int
| VAR of Ploc.t and string ]
and stmt = [
  ASSIGN of Ploc.t and string and expr
| EXPR of Ploc.t and expr

The Grammar

The grammar is what we’d expect: there are nonterminals for statements, expressions, and a list of statements that consume all the input. For nodes other than toplevel statements, we strip comments from the location. Also, Camlp5’s grammar-interpreter is a classic LL(1) engine, but there is one ambiguity which would require work to resolve: when we see an input like “x”, we don’t know if it will continue as an expression-statement, or an assignment-statement. There are standard ways (in LL(1) grammars) of resolving this, but here I’m just going to do a little bit of lookahead (one token) to check whether the next token is a “:=” (in the function check_id_coloneq). This is something pretty common in writing LL(1) parsers: instead of working hard to make the grammar LL(1), go ahead and use some lookahead.

value g = Grammar.gcreate lexer;
value expr = Grammar.Entry.create g "expression";
value stmt = Grammar.Entry.create g "statement";
value stmts = Grammar.Entry.create g "statements";
value stmts_eoi = Grammar.Entry.create g "statements_eoi";

value loc_strip_comment loc = Ploc.with_comment loc "" ;

value check_id_coloneq =
  Grammar.Entry.of_parser g "check_id_coloneq"
    (fun strm ->
       match Stream.npeek 2 strm with
       [ [("IDENT", _); ("", ":=")] -> ()
       | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ])

  GLOBAL: expr stmt stmts stmts_eoi check_id_coloneq ;
    [ [ x = expr; "+"; y = expr -> BINOP (loc_strip_comment loc) ADD x y
      | x = expr; "-"; y = expr -> BINOP (loc_strip_comment loc) SUB x y ]
    | [ x = expr; "*"; y = expr -> BINOP (loc_strip_comment loc) MUL x y
      | x = expr; "/"; y = expr -> BINOP (loc_strip_comment loc) DIV x  y ]
    | [ "-" ; x = expr -> UNOP loc MINUS x
      | "+" ; x = expr -> UNOP loc PLUS x ]
    | [ x = INT -> INT loc (int_of_string x)
      | x = IDENT -> VAR loc x
      | "("; x = expr; ")" -> x
    [ [ check_id_coloneq ; id = IDENT ; ":=" ; x = expr -> ASSIGN loc id x
      | x = expr -> EXPR loc x ]
  stmts : [ [ l = LIST1 stmt SEP ";" -> l ] ] ;
  stmts_eoi : [ [ l = stmts ; EOI -> l ] ] ;

The Pretty-Printer

We could write the pretty-printer as a recursive function over the types expr and stmt. But instead, we’ll write it using Ocaml’s Extensible printers support. This allows to extend a printer with new rules after it’s been defined (though we won’t do that here). Please consult the documentation on the Pretty module and pprintf to understand how the pretty-printing actually works.

NOTE: this actually really ugly pretty-printing. I haven’t completely figured out how to use pprintf to get nice indentation; when I do, this tutorial will be updated.

First, some setup (defining the printers, and convenience functions that call them:

value parse_expr = Grammar.Entry.parse expr ;
value parse_stmt = Grammar.Entry.parse stmt ;
value parse_stmts = Grammar.Entry.parse stmts ;
value parse_stmts_eoi = Grammar.Entry.parse stmts_eoi ;

value pr_expr = Eprinter.make "expr";
value pr_stmt = Eprinter.make "stmt";
value pr_stmts = Eprinter.make "stmts";

value print_expr = Eprinter.apply pr_expr;
value print_stmt = Eprinter.apply pr_stmt;

Here’s a function that prints out statement, and the comment prior to it, if that comment string is nonempty:

value print_commented_stmt pc stmt =
  let loc = loc_of_stmt stmt in
  let comment = Ploc.comment loc in
  let comment = if has_nonws comment then comment else "" in
  let pp = (fun () -> pprintf pc "%s%p" comment print_stmt stmt) in
    Pretty.horiz_vertic pp pp

value print_stmts = Eprinter.apply pr_stmts;

value plist_semi f sh pc l =
  let l = List.map (fun s -> (s, ";")) l in
  pprintf pc "%p" (Prtools.plist f sh) l

And finally the printers themselves. Just as with the grammar, it’s defined in precedence levels. Each level has pattern-matching, and the default is to proceed to the next level.


    [ "add"
      [ BINOP _ ADD x y -> pprintf pc "%p + %p" curr x next y
      | BINOP _ SUB x y -> pprintf pc "%p - %p" curr x next y ]
    | "mul"
      [ BINOP _ MUL x y -> pprintf pc "%p * %p" curr x next y
      | BINOP _ DIV x y -> pprintf pc "%p / %p" curr x next y ]
    | "uminus"
      [ UNOP _ PLUS x -> pprintf pc "+ %p" curr x
      | UNOP _ MINUS x -> pprintf pc "- %p" curr x ]
    | "simple"
      [ INT _ x -> pprintf pc "%d" x
      | x -> pprintf pc "(%p)" print_expr x ]
    ] ;
    [ [ ASSIGN _ id e -> pprintf pc "@[%s := %p@]" id print_expr e
      | EXPR _ e -> pprintf pc "@[%p@]" print_expr e ]
    [ [ l -> pprintf pc "{@;%p@;}" (plist_semi print_commented_stmt 0) l ]

The Evaluator

The evaluator is bog-standard, but with the one nuance that when it cannot locate a variable in the environment, it raises an exception wrapped with a Ploc.t.

module Eval = struct
value expr env e =
  let rec erec = fun [
    BINOP _ ADD x y -> (erec x)+(erec y)
  | BINOP _ SUB x y -> (erec x)-(erec y)
  | BINOP _ DIV x y -> (erec x)/(erec y)
  | BINOP _ MUL x y -> (erec x)*(erec y)
  | UNOP _ MINUS x -> -(erec x)
  | UNOP _ PLUS x -> erec x
  | INT _ x -> x
  | VAR loc s -> match List.assoc s env with [
      x -> x
    | exception Not_found -> Ploc.raise loc (Failure (Printf.sprintf "variable %s not found in environment" s)) ]
  in erec e
value stmt env = fun [
  ASSIGN _ s e ->
    let v = expr env e in ([ (s, v) :: env ], v)
| EXPR _ e -> (env, expr env e)

value stmts env l =
  List.fold_left (fun (env, acc) s -> let (env, v) = stmt env s in (env, [v :: acc])) (env, []) l ;

The Results

On the input:

// foo
1+2 ;
// bar
x := 3

the output is:

  // foo
1 + 2;

// bar
x := 3
  } =
  [3; 3]

As I noted above, I haven’t completely figured-out the way pprintf is supposed to be used. Now how about an erroneous input?

echo "1+2+y" | ./calc
File "", line 1, characters 5-6:
Failure("variable y not found in environment")

When we pretty-print the exception, we can pretty-print the location:

    let l = parse_stmts_eoi (Stream.of_channel stdin) in do {
      let print_int pc n = pprintf pc "%d" n in
      printf "%s" (pprintf Pprintf.empty_pc "%p =@;@[[%p]@]\n"
                     print_stmts l
                     (plist_semi print_int 2) (List.rev(snd(Eval.stmts [] l))))
with [ Ploc.Exc loc exc ->
    Fmt.(pf stderr "%s%a@.%!" (Ploc.string_of_location loc) exn exc)
  | exc -> Fmt.(pf stderr "%a@.%!" exn exc)

A Calculator using Extensible Grammars (the Functorial Interface)

The code for this example is in tutorials/calc+functorial. This example is in the style of “A Calculator using Extensible Grammars”_, but with the functorial interface to grammars. It also uses an ocamllex-based lexer. Here’s the code for the functorial bits:

module Ocamllex_L = struct
type te = (string * string) ;
value lexer = Plexing.lexer_func_of_ocamllex Calclexer.token ;
value lexer = {Plexing.tok_func = lexer;
 Plexing.tok_using _ = (); Plexing.tok_removing _ = ();
 Plexing.tok_match = Plexing.default_match;
 Plexing.tok_text = Plexing.lexer_text;
 Plexing.tok_comm = None} ;
end ;

module Gram = Grammar.GMake(Ocamllex_L) ;

The rest is pretty straightforward and just like the tutorials/calc example.

A Calculator using Extensible Grammars & Printers (pa_lexer-based Lexer)

The code for this example is in tutorials/calc+pa_lexer.

This example replaces the ocamllex-based lexer with one using Camlp5’s builtin pa_lexer syntax extension.

TODO: finish this sub-section.