Tutorial: Extending OCaml with New Syntax

In this tutorial we’ll explain how to extend Camlp5’s with new syntax and logic to convert that syntax into standard Ocaml AST. Since most users will prefer to use PPX rewriters, I’ll just note that you can find PPX rewriters based on Camlp5 in the pa_ppx project.

The code for this tutorial can be found in the directory tutorials, and in each case, you’ll find a buildable tree (with Makefile), and (sometimes) simple tests.

A simple example: sum 1 ; 2 end

The code for this example is in tutorials/sum. In this example, we’ll add new syntax of the form

sum 1 ; 2 ; 3 end

to the Ocaml syntax. Since “;” is an infix expression operator in the original syntax, this necessarily means that the grammar will be different for revised syntax, than it is for original syntax. We’ll describe both.

The new syntactic form

We’re going to extend Ocaml’s syntax to accept

sum end --> 0
sum 5 end --> 5
sum 4 ; 6 end --> 10
let x = 2 in sum x ; x end --> 4
... etc ...

Code for original syntax

Here’s the code to extend the original syntax with this new syntactic form. (For grins) It’s written in original syntax, but could have been written in revised syntax: the syntax of the extension’s source code has nothing to do with it’s usage.

open Pcaml
  expr: BEFORE "expr1"
  [ [ "sum";
      e =
      FOLD0 (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr< $e2$ + $e1$ >>) <:expr< 0 >>
        expr LEVEL "expr1" SEP ";";
      "end" -> e ] ] ;

To build:

ocamlfind ocamlc -package fmt,camlp5.extend,camlp5.extfold,camlp5.quotations \
    -syntax camlp5o -c sum_original.ml

To use it in a toplevel:

#use "topfind.camlp5";;
#camlp5o ;;
#load "sum_original.cmo";;
let x = 1 in sum x ; x ; 2 end ;;

with the obvious output

- : int = 4

Instead of loading the object, we could load the source (but this requires loading parsing kits):

#use "topfind.camlp5";;
#camlp5o ;;
#require "camlp5.extend,camlp5.extfold,camlp5.quotations";;
#use "sum_original.ml";;
let x = 1 in sum x ; x ; 2 end ;;

Code for revised syntax

Here’s the code to extend the revised syntax with this new syntactic form. It’s written in revised syntax, but could have been written in original syntax: the syntax of the extension’s source code has nothing to do with it’s usage.

open Pcaml ;
  [ [ "sum";
      e =
      FOLD0 (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr< $e2$ + $e1$ >>) <:expr< 0 >>
        expr SEP ";";
      "end" -> e ] ] ;

To build:

ocamlfind ocamlc -package fmt,camlp5.extend,camlp5.extfold,camlp5.quotations \
    -syntax camlp5r -c sum_revised.ml

To use it in a toplevel:

#use "topfind.camlp5";;
#camlp5r ;;
#load "sum_revised.cmo";
let x = 1 in sum x ; x ; 2 end ;

with the obvious output

- : int = 4

Instead of loading the object, we could load the source (but this requires loading parsing kits):

#use "topfind.camlp5";;
#camlp5r ;;
#require "camlp5.extend,camlp5.extfold,camlp5.quotations";;
#use "sum_revised.ml";;
let x = 1 in sum x ; x ; 2 end ;;


The differences between the two versions are only in that, since original syntax already has the “;” operator as an infix operator on expressions, adding this new operator at the precedence level of expressions would not change that “1;2” is already an expression: hence, sum 1 ; 2 end would be parsed as sum (1 ; 2) end. By inserting this new syntax at level "expr" (which binds more tightly than “;”) we get the desired parsing behaviour.

Since in the revised syntax “;” is not an infix operator between expressions (it is only operational in “do” blocks) there’s no problem there.

There are three parsing kits used here. Briefly,

  • camlp5.extend: grammar extension syntax support
  • camlp5.extfold: support for FOLD operators in grammars
  • camlp5.quotations: support for quotations (e.g. <<:expr< 0 >>)

Using camlp5 from the commandline and toplevel is discussed in Quickstart with ocamlfind and The Ocaml Toplevel .